Make Paul's Final Wish Come True


Bentley, my 3 and a half year old son

Please help us make Paul's final wish for his 3 year old son Bentley come true.

On Saturday, January 20th, 2018 at 7:00pm Ray Friel Pad #1, the Bandits will be donating all proceeds from their game against the Clarence Castors to help raise funds for this young man who has lost his father.  Since all proceeds are going to the cause even if one cannot attend tickets can still be purchased to help the cause.
Even more important is we can all help by simply spreading the link below across our family and friend circles and our social media pages.  Let’s rally everyone so that we can all make a difference in this 3 year old's life whose is off to a tough start.
We live in the best community in the world so lets see what small voices like the Bandits can achieve.
For more information on the event or if you wish to help or even better if you have ideas on how to reach more people to hear of this story please email

If you prefer to make a donation, please email us at

Thank you et un gros merci.

​Rick Bédard