Amazing Results - CMHA Holiday Food Drive


Thank You / Merci de votre générosité

The Results are In!

Many thanks to our families and friends for donating to CMHA's "Fill-a-Fridge Food Drive".  Our hockey community raised approximately 1000 lbs of food - that's 13 fridges!  Your generosity helps in making a difference in the lives of 38,400 people that turn to a food bank in Ottawa communities each and every month. 

CMHA Proud / Merci de votre générosité.


Cumberland Minor Hockey is pleased to announce that it is partnering with the Ottawa Food Bank for its 2018 Fill-a-Fridge Food Drive.

Bins will be set up and clearly labelled at the Ray Friel Recreational Centre and Navan Memorial Centre from Friday December 7 to Sunday December 9, 2018.

We would ask that every family donate a non-perishable food item this coming weekend when they go to the rink. 

Our target is to fill 20 fridges in support of the Ottawa Food Bank and those that rely on their services..

If you wish to make a donation to the Ottawa Food Bank, please click HERE.

Facts about the Fill-a-Fridge campaign

Fill-a-Family-Fridge: $252 or collect 84lbs of food

Fill-a-Fridge (single person): $63 or collect 21 lbs of food

It can cost a family of four $252 per week * to fill their fridge with nutritious food.